SURYA NAMASKAR(sun salutation)
1– Pranam Asana(prayer pose) : First of all, spread a mat on the bottom and stand on its edge with folded hands in a careful state. Now join both your paws together and put your full weight equally on both the feet. Now expand your chest and keep your shoulders loose. While inhailing,raise both the hands up from the sides and while exhaling, join the palms and bring them in front of the chest in pranam mudra.
2- Hastapadasana(raised arm pose) : Now while inhaling,raise both your hands upwards and take them back and keep the biceps close to the ears. In this asana, try to pull the whole body upwards from the ankles to the fingers of the hands.
3- Hastapadasana(hand to foot pose) : Now while exhaling and keeping the spine straight, bend forward from the waist. Now exhaling completely, and place both the hands on the ground near the claws.
4- Horse operation posture : Now you can take the right leg back as far as possible while inhaling , you can keep the right knee on the ground and move your gaze upwards.
5- Dandasana: Now while breathing, take the left leg back and keep the whole body in a straight line.
6- Ashtanga Namaskar : Now comfortably bring both your knees on the ground and exhale. Now lift your hips back up and slide the whole body forward. Then touch your chest and chin to the ground. Now keep your hips slightly raised. Now two hands,two feet, two knees, chest and chin will be touching the ground.
7- Bhujangasana : Sliding forward , raise the chest .The elbows can remain bent but keep the shoulders away from the ears and the gaze upward.
8- Mountain pose : Exhaling lift the hips and lower spine, bending the chest down to form an inverted V (^) get in shape.
9- Horse operation posture : Inhaling take the right leg between both the hands but you can keep your left knee on the ground. Keep your gaze upwards.
10- Hastapadasana : While exhaling , bring the left leg forward but keep the palms on the ground. You can bend your knees if needed.
11- Hast utthan Asana : Now while inhaling slowly bring the spine up, move the hands up and back, push hips forward.
12- Tadasana : Now while exhaling first straighten the body and then bring the hands down. You relax in this state and bring awareness to the sensations happening in the body.
By doing Surya Namaskar regularly, there is development in age ,wisdom, strength, and semen.
Countless benefits of Surya Namaskar are enumerated , but keep in mind that just like the right medicine brings the right result, in the same way only the right Surya Namaskar can give you the best benefits.Wrong method of Surya Namaskar can increase many unnecessary problems instead of benefits. Surya Namaskar keeps all the systems of the body – from the muscular(muscles) to the cardiac system (heart system) or from immune system to the nervous system healthy.
Surya Namaskar : top ten benefits
If Surya Namaskar is done properly by including it in a regular routine,then positive energy will come in your life. It make us the owner of complete health by communicating the massage and life force of all the external and internal organs of our body.
During Surya Namaskar, the abdominal organs are stretched and the flow of prana increases in that direction, which improves the digestive system. By balancing samana and apana vayu, it destroys many diseases related to stomach and abdomen. Those who have complaints of constipation, indigestion or burning sensation in the stomach, it will beneficial for them to do Surya Namaskar every morning on an empty stomach.
Surya Namaskar also strengthens the abdominal muscles. If these are done regularly, it reduces belly fat by activating our metabolism ie the process of converting our food and our drinks into energy by the body, but we should keep in mind that the right and doing this regularly in a balanced amount will give the right result.
In the movement of Surya Namaskar, special care is taken of the breath. By doing different asanas in one motion, oxygen reaches everywhere in the body and unnecessary toxins or toxic substances come out of our body.
Performing Surya Namaskar increases memory power and calms the nervous system, which keeps your stress away. With Surya Namaskar ,the endocrine glands – the activity of the endocrine glands, especially thyroid gland, becomes normal.
The posture of Surya Namaskar gives exercise to the whole body. This makes the body flexible. Flexible body means less muscle – bone problems.
If a woman has a complaint of irregular menstrual cycle, then by doing the posture of Surya Namaskar , that problem will go away. Regular practice of these asanas also reduces pain during childbirth.
Every asanas of Surya Namaskar is basically for the spine only. Stretching of the body during Surya Namaskar strengthens the spine along with the muscles and ligaments and makes the waist flexible. Our spine is the base of the whole body and Surya Namaskar strengthens this base and gives us excellent health.
The practice of Surya Namaskar is designed in such a way that it improves every system of our body. It always keeps us young by maintaining radiance on our face and does not allow wrinkles to come soon.
Many types of research show that dieting does not benefits as fast as you can lose weight by doing Surya Namaskar in the right way. Surya Namaskar allows your heart to function smoothly by keeping the cardiovascular system (heart oil) cool.
Surya Namaskar : What are the precautions to be taken…?
-# Pregnant women should stop doing this after the third month of pregnancy. # Hernia patients should not do this and high blood pressure patients should practice it very slowly. # In case of back pain or spine problem, Surya Namaskar should be practiced under the supervision of a qualified teacher. # Women during menstruation (period) Surya Namaskar very slowly and do it in small numbers. # Never indulge in too much or a marathon process like 108 Surya Namaskars. with more Surya Namaskar, your solar pulse will be more active. Excess Suryanadi can increase other problems like anger, irritability,unnecessary body heat inside you. Do Surya Namaskar at least 2-4 rounds and maximum 9 rounds. If the 12 asanas of Surya Namaskar are repeated 9 times then it reaches the number 108 ,which is said to be the total sum of the state of body and life in yoga.